Impressum Datenschutz

Chemie in unserer Zeit 39 (2005)
EMLG/JMLG Special Issue (2017)

Chemie in unserer Zeit 39 (2005)
Chemie in unserer Zeit (2005)

Z. Phys. Chem. 223, Issue 9 (2009)
ZPC Special Issue (2009)

PC Seminar


Malente XII


Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie

Dr. Dietmar Paschek

Dr. Dietmar Paschek

Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie
Institut für Chemie, Universität Rostock
Albert-Einstein-Str. 27 (Raum 205)
D-18059 Rostock, Germany
Phone: +49-381-498-6518
dietmar.paschek (AT) uni-rostock (DOT) de

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Being a chemist by training, my field of occupation is Physical Chemistry, in particular Theory and Molecular Simulation. My research interests are Ionic Liquids and their mixtures, biophysical systems, processes under extreme conditions, and the physics of liquid water, ice, clathrate-hydrates and aqueous solutions. I have been drawn to problems where the ultimate goal is an understanding of the molecular underpinnings that can be communicated to others in prose or pictures, rather than in tables or numbers. That said, being able to compute accurate numbers can sometimes be also quite cool.


OrthoBoXY: A Simpler Way to Compute True Self Diffusion Coefficients and Viscosities from MD Simulations

  • The "OrthoBoXY" methodology was first described in J. Phys. Chem. B 127, 7983-7987 (2023), and is available via DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.3c04492. Our preprint can be downloaded from arXiv:2307.01591[cond-mat.soft].
  • A recent extension of the "OrthoBoXY" approach to arbitraryly shaped orthorhombic boxes has just appeared in PCCP DOI: 10.1039/D3CP04916G and is available as preprint via arXiv:2310.01026[cond-mat.soft].
  • An extensive demonstration on how to apply the method to compute self-diffusion coefficients and viscosities for a wide variety of substances has been recently published in J. Phys. Chem. B, and is available via DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.3c07540. Our preprint is also available from ChemRxiv: DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-fvf5q.
  • A repository containing input files for performing MD simulations and the Fortran source code and examples for the numerical calculation of the Madelung constant analogues is available via GitHub.

BondAid: Correcting Hydrogen Bond Population Correlation Functions Obtained from Simulations with Periodic Boundary Conditions

"Physikalische Chemie im Computer" (in German)

heuler 104

D. Paschek: Physikalische Chemie im Computer
heuler - Das Studentenmagazin der Uni Rostock 104, 18-19 (2014) PDF

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