Impressum Datenschutz

Chemie in unserer Zeit 39 (2005)
EMLG/JMLG Special Issue (2017)

Chemie in unserer Zeit 39 (2005)
Chemie in unserer Zeit (2005)

Z. Phys. Chem. 223, Issue 9 (2009)
ZPC Special Issue (2009)

PC Seminar


Malente XII


Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie

Our Software

The software shown here has been developed by our group. All the software packages are essentially free software published under the condition of the General Public License.

MOSCITO The versatile MOSCITO simulation package. Molecular dynamics simulations using modern forcefields and state of the art computational methods.
MOSTOOLS A collection of undocumented tools and programs that are currently under development and which will probably become part of the moscito package in the future.
KMC Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of particles on a lattice. The inifinite lattice can be shaped aribitratily, and interaction between different kinds of particles can be introduced.
RPMDRUN RPMDRUN is a Volume,Temperature (V,T)-Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics (VTREMD) simulation program based on GROMACS 3.2.1. It can be used to perform simulations of an arbitrarily shaped extended ensemble of states.
REPLICA A Volume,Temperature (V,T)-Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics (VTREMD) simulation program based on MOSCITO.
MDorado A collection of Python tools to analyse structural and dynamical properties from molecular dynamics trajectories. Uses FFTs to effiecintly compute time correlation functions.

Page last updated:
Thu Mar 13 13:41:43 CET 2025 © 2025