From Prof. M. Rodger 
 (through Prof. R. Ludwig)

Research Assistant or Research Fellow

Molecular Modelling of Mineral Nucleation
A postdoctoral position is now available to work with Prof. P.M. Rodger
( at the University of Warwick. The project is
to develop and perform molecular simulations of the nucleation and
pre-nucleation behaviour of mineral solutions (including carbonates
and phosphates) and thereby to develop a theory of mineral formation
and polymorph selection. This will then be used to aid in understanding
and mimicking the formation of natural biominerals such as bone,
eggshell and coral. The simulations will be designed to complement
experiments and other modelling studies that will be carried out within
a larger consortium (EPSRC grant EP-I001514).

Further information, and application forms, can be found at

The closing date for applications is Februay 8, 2011